

Emergency Contact

Strong Kids/Strong HIIT



(please also bring these with you to your appointment)

Private Health Cover


Aged Pension Card


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)




Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)


ESSA (Exercise and Sports Science Australia) Pre-Screen

This screening tool is part of the   Adult Pre-Exercising Screening System (APSS)  that also includes guidelines  on how to use the information collected and to address the aims of each stage.  No warranty of safety should result from its use.  The screening system in no way guarantees against injury or death.  No responsibility or liability whatsoever can be accepted by Exercise & Sport Science Australia, Fitness Australia, Sports Medicine Australia or Exercise is Medicine for any loss, damage, or injury that may arise from any person actingon any statement or information contained in the system.


AIM: To identify individuals with known disease, and/or signs or symptoms of disease, who may be at a higher risk of an adverse event due to exercise. An adverse event refers to an unexpected event that occurs as a consequence of an exercise session, resulting in ill health, physical harm or death to an individual.

IF YOU ANSWERED "YES"   to any of the 6 questions, guidance will be given from your appropriate allied health professional or medical practitioner prior to undertaking exercise.

IF YOU ANSWERED "NO"   to all of the 6 questions, please proceed to question 7 and calculate your typical weighted physical activity/exercise per week.

7. Describe your current physical activity/exercise levels in a typical week by stating the frequency and duration at the different intensities

(number of sessions per week)

(total minutes per week)

Weighted physical activity/exercise per week

I believe that to the best of my knowledge, all of the information I have supplied within this screening tool is correct.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear 2021.   Adult Pre-Screening Tool . [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 2 March 2021].

Health Information

SOZO Pre-Screen Form

To help us prepare for your consultation we would like to gather some information to setup a profile in our SOZO bioimpedance device.

The SOZO will calculate your current skeletal muscle mass.  We can monitor for any changes (eg. fluid changes in your limbs) into the future.

Type of cancer / lymphoedema / other condition
Height in centimeters. If unsure, ask to be measured.
Weight in kilograms. If unsure, ask to be weighed.
Describe location(s) on body, date of surgery, etc.
Describe location(s) on body, date of surgery, etc.
Date completed, or date commenced, or date due to commence.
Describe location(s) on body, date of treatment, side affects, etc.
Describe what you wear, how often?

Symptom Rating

Please rate your current experience of the treatment related symptoms listed below. 

0 (None) - 10 (Worst Immaginable)

